"The Town Center will enhance Sammamish’s competitiveness as the Eastside grows and changes, generating important benefits for the city and community."
Increased Economic Activity
Generate new economic activity with new commercial and retail offerings not currently found in Sammamish.
With open spaces and related programming, the Town Center is set to provide residents and visitors a novel shopping and dining experience
More than 80% of spending by Sammamish residents occurs at retailers outside the city.
Despite an increase in online shopping, a significant share of demand remains unmet in Sammamish.
Provide a Variety of Housing Choices
Offer a diversity of housing choices types so individuals and families can find a place to live that meets their unique needs and budget.
The Project would provide an opportunity for teachers and retail workers to live in the communities where they work, fostering stronger community connections.
One-Time and Ongoing Fiscal Benefits
Expand local tax base and place the City of Sammamish on a more sustainable fiscal trajectory.
​One-Time Benefit: The Project is projected to generate $20M in one-time revenue to the city.
​Ongoing Revenue: The Project is projected to generate $3M in ongoing city taxes which equals a 6% increase in total tax revenue. This type of increase could be used for supporting:
20 additional police personnel;
24 additional firefighters; or
+54% in the parks and recreation budget.
How HR&A Advisors, LLC
Identified Community and City of Sammamish Benefits
Review Project and Scan the Market
Reviewed the proposed Town Center project
Scanned the local market to:
​Evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed program
Develop assumptions for economic and fiscal impact modeling
Reviewed publicly-available city budget information to develop assumptions for project modeling
Public Benefits Analysis
Projected economic and fiscal impacts for project construction and ongoing operations
Reviewed local and regional policy environment to inform additional benefits analysis